video demo of adding paraffin to art glass oil candle

video demo of adding paraffin to art glass oil candle


View the video, below.

Top off your candle’s reservoir before lighting each time to avoid running out of fuel.*

Fill your reservoir in a sink. Simply lift the glass cuff up and to the side (not all the way out) and insert the mini funnel provided with your purchase. Pour in paraffin until the reservoir is full. Replace the cuff and wick and allow a minute for the fuel to soak to the top. Move the candle to the location you want it to burn. Light. Enjoy!

Use pure liquid paraffin oil, for the best results, to enjoy a smokeless, odorless experience.

Liquid paraffin is not included. My favorite brand is Firefly Fuels but paraffin is available widely, including on this site, Target, Walmart, Amazon, and your local hardware store. Purchase 100% pure smokeless, odorless, liquid paraffin. If you love your candles scented you can add essential oil to your liquid paraffin before adding it to your reservoir.

And the wick? It’s fiberglass and does not need replacing, unlike the cotton wicks found in soy and wax candles, which need to burn down.

* Wick height, paraffin quality, and reservoir fill level influence the length of time the paraffin lasts. Keep the wick height just above the cuff height of the glass wick holder for maximum burn time. For more light, you can adjust the wick height - only a millimeter taller will make a difference. Top off your reservoir with paraffin before lighting to allow maximum burn time. Always fill your candle in a sink and with the flame extinguished.

If the wick/flame is too high the fuel will smoke and it burns off quickly. Small 3 oz reservoirs last approximately 6-8 hours, 5 oz around 12 hours, 6 oz 12-16 hours, and 10 oz all day.

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